środa, 18 maja 2016

My class was engaged in celebrating the 73. Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We were making small yellow daffodils which are the symbol of this event. Of course, we could improve our skills in art, but also we could find out something about our history. After making the daffodils, 19th the April, we went to the centre of out city, which is Sienkiewicza Street and we were giving the small symbols of history to undergoing people. We were telling them what was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, so we were sharing these informations to others. We don't want the history to be forgotten. Here are some photos of our daffodils :)

Wyświetlanie IMG_20160418_220656.jpg
Wyświetlanie IMG_20160418_220656.jpg

wtorek, 17 maja 2016

I always liked swimming. It can help me strengthen my muscles, improve my physical condition. I learn new styles in swimming and improve my skills, e.g. how to swim under water longer and longer. Swimming is included in component ACTIVITY. Sometimes I swim with my friend and he is my supervisor, sometimes I swim on my own and my supervisor is one of the rescuers. I firmly believe that swimming is good choice for the rest - when I swim, I don't think about my worries, I simply enjoy the moment. Now I don't have any photos, because I don't take my phone to the swimming-pool :)) but in the summer when I will go to the beach, I will take same photos in the water :)

wtorek, 26 kwietnia 2016

I spent some hours on "the day of open school". My supervisor was Mariusz Kowalczyk, my educator. It was an event in my school, when students from middle school could come to our school and find out about education which my school provides. We (me and my friends) also were doing some experiments that our guests could see in order to encourage them to choose our school as their new high school. I was conducting an experiment related to the chemistry – titration. Students that were interested in choosing IB class and biology or chemistry on HL level were coming to me and my friends and were told what our lessons look like. We could meet new people, find out what they heard about IB and we could tell them what the Diploma Programme International Baccalaureate actually is :)

me and Kasia :)

my educator :))

and some friends ;)


wtorek, 29 marca 2016

This is a photo taken before the Mathematical Olympiad that we organized on the 3rd March. This activity is included in component SERVICE. The activity
lasted only 2 hours. I and my friends helped in organization the contest which was organized by our school for students from other schools, mainly for high school students. We prepared classes, it means we set the tables, we distributed mineral water in bottles and some tangerines. We also helped the students which came to our school in finding the appropriate places for them.

sobota, 30 stycznia 2016

The activity "help in learning English" I started five months ago. It is included in component SERVICE in CAS. My supervisor is Mateusz Szyszkowski. I decided to carry out this activity, because I want to help people who need it and I think that it is often also beneficial for me. Luckily, I found out that my good friend needs some help in English. We started with bases - Present Simple, Present Simple Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple, etc. During repeating things that we have done, we were adding some new words. I believe that vocabulary is the most important thing in learning a language. We speak a lot - I think it is one of the best methods of learning. I can see that my "student"'s language skills are improved and I know that when I try to help him in learning, I also learn many new things. For example, earlier, I did not have the possibility of talking with someone in English as often as now. I attach a photo with us during our activity.


wtorek, 19 stycznia 2016

The activity 'ice skating' I started on December. It is included in component ACTIVITY in CAS. My Supervisor is Piotr Fortuna. I decided to carry out activity ice skating, because when I tried it
the first time, what was 5 years ago, I liked it at once. I want to develop my skills, because although I can go on the ice, I cannot go quickly or do some tricks, because I did not have enough time for learning it earlier. Now I have friends who like ice skating too, so we very often meet in 6 or 7 people and go skating, because when there is winter, it is possible - when spring will come, unfortunately we will not able to skate. I just see that in spite of the fact that I skate not too long, my skills developed and I would like to increase them much more, so I will skate more!
I atach one photo from one of my visits in the icerink. I am on the left, on the right is my friend Patrycja and behind us - Milena.
(sorry for poor quality, but it is hard to take good photo when you still move :) )
