wtorek, 11 kwietnia 2017

The activity "Spanish lessons" I started on ..... 2016. It is involved in the component CREATIVITY in CAS. It is good CAS experience, because I can learn new language, so I can gain new skills and abilities and develop these that I have already obtained. I have always liked learning foreign languages. It was always quite easy to learn such things for me. I found out that friend of my classmate knows the Spanish language very well so I decided to ask her if she would teach me something. We started explaining only fundamental knowledge such as persons, basic verbs and construction of whole phrases. We use her books that she used at school, but also the Internet websites that ease the study. The hardest thing was to start studying. But after starting, it is now easy to learn new and new things. I am going to learn other foreign languages as well, such as for instance French language.
The activity "computer lessons" I started on September 2015. It is involved in the component CREATIVITY  in CAS. I have been interested in information technology for a long time. I decided to ask my good friend for help in learning something interesting related to computer science. He works as a graphic designer, so he asked if I would like to see how do the Photoshop programs work. We used a program "Adobe Photoshop" and tried to redecorate my photos to allow me to learn using such IT techniques. Before the beginning of our lessons, I had not known anything about Photoshop. I have learnt how to add some additives to a photo and how to edit it to obtain some interesting effects. I like such activities and I enjoy learning it :)

The activity "driving lessons" I started on July 2016, it is involved in the component CREATIVITY in CAS. Before the beginning of the activity I had not known anything about driving. A driving course lasts 30 hours of practice and some hours of theoretical lessons. To carry out the whole course, it took 4 months to me. I was learning slowly, I was gaining experience in driving, thus I had to improve my concentration, because it is very essential issue while driving not to cause an accident. Then, I had to pass two exams: one theoretical test and one practical test. I passed both of them on the first try. The biggest difficulty that I faced doing this activity was to be in control of the car, because when using clutch it is sometimes hard to do it skillfully, because a car's engine sometimes switched off. However, I have overcome all the difficulties and I was given a driving license.

poniedziałek, 10 kwietnia 2017

The activity "jogging" I started on April 2016. It is involved in the component ACTIVITY in CAS. In the screenshots below it can be seen that when I was running for the first time, it was only 2.61km, in the second screenshot this is 4.70km - it was after 2 weeks, so after 10 times of my jogging. For the first time I couldn't run all the distance, I had 3 short breaks. After 2 weeks I was able to run 4.7km with 1 short break. It shows that my strength and physical condition were improved. I encouraged my close friend to run together and she is also glad, because she sees the progress. I am going to continue the activity and develop my skills more and more.

my first jogging:

my jogging after 2 weeks:

The activity "Mathematics classes" I started on June 2016. It is involved in the component SERVICE in CAS. I help my good friend in maths. He is of my age, so we are learning similar things during Mathematics lessons at school. However, he has some difficulties related to Mathematics, so I suggested him that I can help. We meet with each other and solve exercises related to certain chapters, but also we solve tasks from previous years secondary school-leaving examinations. It is good CAS experience, because I can share my knowledge with somebody else and I also improve my mathematical skills, because I solidify concepts that I should remember, I solve more and more exercises, so I am able to do it more quickly now. The biggest difficulty that I faced doing this activity was the fact that I had to learn how to explain some things in the possibly easiest way. However, my friend tells that he is glad to be taught by me so I think that my methods are quite  successful :)

The activity "roller-blading" I started in June 2016. I am doing this with my friends. In the photo below I am with my friend Mateusz. 

The screenshot below shows one of our 'roller-blading trips'. 

This is good CAS activity, because it is involved in the component called ACTIVITY during which I can develop my skills and abilities, After some times of carrying out this activity, I feel that my physical condition is being improved and my muscles of legs are being strengthened. I like roller-blading, because it is time when I can meet my friends, I can relax and my health is being improved. The biggest difficulty I faced doing this activity was that my organism was suffering easily after short time of it. However, the more times I am doing it, the longer it takes to suffer to my organism. I am going to do it more and more to develop my skills more. 

środa, 18 maja 2016

My class was engaged in celebrating the 73. Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We were making small yellow daffodils which are the symbol of this event. Of course, we could improve our skills in art, but also we could find out something about our history. After making the daffodils, 19th the April, we went to the centre of out city, which is Sienkiewicza Street and we were giving the small symbols of history to undergoing people. We were telling them what was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, so we were sharing these informations to others. We don't want the history to be forgotten. Here are some photos of our daffodils :)

Wyświetlanie IMG_20160418_220656.jpg
Wyświetlanie IMG_20160418_220656.jpg