wtorek, 11 kwietnia 2017

The activity "Spanish lessons" I started on ..... 2016. It is involved in the component CREATIVITY in CAS. It is good CAS experience, because I can learn new language, so I can gain new skills and abilities and develop these that I have already obtained. I have always liked learning foreign languages. It was always quite easy to learn such things for me. I found out that friend of my classmate knows the Spanish language very well so I decided to ask her if she would teach me something. We started explaining only fundamental knowledge such as persons, basic verbs and construction of whole phrases. We use her books that she used at school, but also the Internet websites that ease the study. The hardest thing was to start studying. But after starting, it is now easy to learn new and new things. I am going to learn other foreign languages as well, such as for instance French language.

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